Please request an Online Fitting within the first 2 weeks after a trim. To receive a response, please take 5 photos of every hoof you’d like fitting advice for. Here’s examples of what we’ll need:

  • Photo 1: Length Measurement

    Using a standard measuring tape or ruler, measure the length of each sole, from toe to hoof buttress, in millimetres.

  • Photo 2: Width Measurement

    Measure the width of each sole at its widest point, in millimetres.

  • Photo 3: Hoof Front View

    Take a photo from a front view, with your camera close to the ground.

  • Photo 4: Hoof Side View

    Take a photo from a side view, with your camera close to the ground.

  • Photo 5: Hoof Bulb View

    Take a photo of the heel bulb, with your camera close to the ground.

  • Repeat

    Once you’ve taken 5 photos of the first hoof, please repeat for every other hoof you’d like fitting advice for. We’re looking for up to 20 photos in total.

Do you require fitting advice for multiple horses? Please request a Fitting Appointment with your nearest Fitting Partner.


Please contact us on Messenger or by email, attaching all of your photos from Step 1.

*Hoof Boots are not suitable for intense activities, such as hunting or horse racing. By requesting an Online Fitting via Messenger, you agree to our Terms & Conditions.